
Sr. Full Stack Web Developer

Icon of lightbulb representing good ideasAbout

20 Years of Experience | Typescript, JavaScript, Node.js, React, Vue, PHP, Linux, Etc...

I'm a seasoned Full Stack Web Developer with a passion for crafting innovative and user-friendly digital solutions. Throughout my 20 years in the industry I have worked with most web stacks and their related technologies.

Successfully delivered numerous end-to-end web applications, employing my knowledge in both frontend and backend development. I excel at creating dynamic and responsive user interfaces using JavaScript frameworks like React and Vue (along with their server side counterparts Next and Nuxt), as well as the traditional API counter parts in PHP, NodeJS and Python.

Started working with the dawn of the dynamic web, I have seen everything come and pass, from the days where you had to write your own PHP frameworks and there was no AJAX, to our current days where JS actually has parallel processing and is surprisingly good for dealing with large quantities of streamed data.

Worked with (in no specific order or importance): Full Stack Development, Javascript, PHP, Linux/Servers, TypeScript, Node.js, Express, React.js, Next.js, Vue.js, Nuxt, Shell Scripting, Servers, PM2, Jest, Cypress, LAMP, CSS, MySQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SOAP, CodeIgniter, Zend Framework, Yii, GO, Python, Schema, YAML, GIT, Apache, NGINX, NGROK, Wordpress, Cloud Platforms, Containers, VirtualBox, Terraform, BackboneJs, React Query, Product Design, HandlebarsJs, Smarty, Redis, Unit Testing, Backend, Frontend, Storybook, Automation, Microservices, Browser Automation, Puppeteer, Docker, EC2, AWS, Certified Scrum Master, Agile Methodologies, MVC, Product Development, Customer Service, Software Architecture, Database Design, GPG, CMMI, PHP-GTK, Vite, GitFlow, etc...

Icon of terminalMain Experience

Incode Technologies

Sr. Web Solutions Engineer

Solutions Enginneer in charge of helping customers to properly integrate with Incode's platform, constantly running deep dives into the different client's code bases and solving any issue that might impact their integrations security, performance, conversion or fraud metrics. I do not work with an specific techology here, we need to adapt to what the stack is in their full end-to-end process. Flexibility, speed to learn new stack based in previous experiences is a must.


Sr. Full Stack Engineer

Front-end Engineer with a foot in the servers: Established along with my coworkers the framework of the new products soon to be launch, from the continuous integration pipeline to tools for the developers and the actual Frontend of them in React, Next.Js, React Query, StoryBook, PM2, Jest, etc...


Sr. Full Stack Engineer

Worked in the Frontend and Backend for a product that helps to migrate large legacy/mainframe databases into the cloud, allowing the user to load gigabytes of database logs into our UI for further processing in the core backend for compatibility diagnosis.


Chief Technology Officer

Poolpy was a customer analytics tool for sports teams, we help the organization to move the fans trough the marketing funnel by putting together all their data sources in one place, were in turn it can be activated in marketing campaigns.

There I ran the product development process and our server infrastructure, while we presented the product and adapted it for different prospects in search of investenment in the Bay Area.

Internet Brands

Sr. Full Stack Engineer

Sr. Web Developer in charge of weird requests, hired as Sr. PHP Developer but in reality doing Javascript and PHP backend.


Co-Founder and President

Co-Founded HackerGarage and acted as it's first President. A Non-Profit HackerSpace/ONG that hosts tech communities meetups, helping to form the early technology landscape of Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Coordinated the creation of the original space, and the subsequent expansions to bigger places up to HG 3.0, a huge house capable of hosting events for ~200 people.

Icon of a person toga representing a graduationEducation

Universidad La Salle Campus Guadalajara

Bachelor, Cybernetics and Computational sciences Engineering

  • Head of Software Development for the students society 2004-2005.
  • Organizer of the FLOSS student group 2001-2005.

Mostly into Programming and Databases, a little bit into Arts and Humanities, not at all into Sports.

Icon of and otter representing other experiencesOther Experience

Position Company Duration Description
Sr. Javascript Trainer Laboratoria Apr 2018 - Sep 2018 · 6 mos

Trainer for the Laboratoria Bootcamp, where I teached Javascript, React, and the basics of web development like CSS, HTML and Git

Sr. Full Stack Engineer Entryless Aug 2015 - Oct 2015 · 3 mos

Worked on Entryless updating the legacy frontend and backend code of the clients dashboards, implementing new designs and features.

Founder - Full Stack Developer OsomTalk Dec 2012 - Jul 2014 · 1 yr 8 mos

Founder of Osomtalk a little startup that is creating an Online Chat service for Small Teams.

Written in Node.JS with Bootstrap and a big bunch of FrontEndJS is being used actively to read lulz, not the end result I expected but such are the turns of the startups.

You can take a look at the source code here.

Sr. Full Stack Engineer MadeInSocial Dec 2011 - Apr 2012 · 5 mos

A little startup that aims to create a Social CRM, aggregating the information from at least Twitter and Facebook in order to give assistance and a favorable image of the client on social networks.

Used MongoDB, PHP, MySQL, CSS, Javascript, HTML, Twitter API, Bash, Linux, etc..

Head of IT Oficina Coordinadora de Riesgos Asegurados Aug 2007 - May 2011 · 3 yrs 10 mos

A national company that search stolen vehicles with the help of the police, with people traveling all over the country constantly.

Here I did LAMP application development (with a little bit of PHP-GTK), Sysadmin, Computer Maintenance and Administration.

Basically a Do-it-all, but strongly directed towards intranet programming, given that the employees where in the road all the time.A national company that search stolen vehicles with the help of the police, with people traveling all over the country constantly. Here I did LAMP application development (with a little bit of PHP-GTK), Sysadmin, Computer Maintenance and Administration. Basically a Do-it-all, but strongly directed towards intranet programming, given that the employees where in the road all the time.

Teacher Escuela Profesional de Desarrollo Integral Jan 2007 - Apr 2007 · 4 mos

Giving the "Software Engineering"class, it was an interesting opportunity to get out of the superficiality of PHP workshops, by taking my students into deeper development themes.

My personal pride is that even when I didn't give a deep 'language' oriented class, my students had taken his own path in PHP, Ajax, CSS, MySQL, etc.. very successfully.

While they have a strong foundation in subjects as MVC, Version Control, Agile Development and RUP. That will serve a greater good when current technologies pass away.

Sr. Full Stack Engineer Logistica Dynamica Jul 2006 - Nov 2006 · 5 mos

Development of an application that allows the revision of inventory and movements to the clients, via web (It's a warehouse company), using a MSSQL backend. It Offered an excellent opportunity to take my Framework to the limits of it's own practicality.

Specially notable a fully customizable report system that left me with an Interactive-DigItUp view on reports (against static, not interactive one level reports that I used to see everywhere before that)

Sysadmin of various flavors of servers; Suse, Debian and Slackware; a Mix of flavors which by the way I was never so thrilled about, but allowed me to experiment with them in a 24/7 environment.

Webmaster Festival de Software Libre Jul 2006 - Sep 2006 · 3 mos

Webmaster of the 5th Free Software Festival (Festival de Software Libre), a congress all about FLOSS in Pto. Vallarta, Jalisco. México.

Webmaster Festival de Software Libre Jul 2005 - Sep 2005 · 3 mos

Webmaster of the 4th Free Software Festival (Festival de Software Libre), a congress all about FLOSS in Pto. Vallarta, Jalisco. México.

Mid. Full Stack Enginner Intervoice May 2006 - Jul 2006 · 3 mos

Development of a LAMP application that functions a full stack administration of Asterisk boxes(VoIP), this solution was sold as a replacement of more popular but costly VoIP boxes.

Jr. Full Stack Engineer Innox Oct 2004 - Mar 2005 · 6 mos

LAMP application development under Linux. There I meet the world of frameworks (although in that time all frameworks were homebrew).

There I meet the CMMI and the loads of documentation it requires, but with a twist, because you can create documentation that actually serves a purpose and can, in fact, improve the development.

Jr. Full Stack Engineer Innova/UDG Feb 2004 - Oct 2004 · 9 mos

In this place we made the Virtual Learning Enviroment(AVA by it's spanish acronym), an ancestor of the Virtual University.

There I worked as the programmer in charge of the connection between the official UDG student's control system (SIIAU) and AVA. Mainly automation of student's creation inside AVA, using PHP scripts to extract, clean and order the information of the first system in ORACLE into the second in MySQL. (with the occasional report creating, given that I already had the connection with the official system and the much needed understanding of the database structure)

My second project there, was the one that allowed servers with our software communicate using SOAP with a intermediate layer on encryption using GPG.

For a full detailed list of all my work experience please visit my LinkedIn Profile.